The Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme (Pan-European Seal - PES) 2024/2025 selection procedure is now open for applications.

This year-long paid traineeship programme provides an initial opportunity to young graduates from different fields (IP, general law, finance, business, engineering, etc.) to access the labour market through valuable, on-the-job, multicultural and professional work experience at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) in Alicante.

Should you wish to have more information about the Programme and the Academy Learning Portal, please have a look at:

- Decision No ADM 22-10-REV

- Pan-European Seal Brochure

- How to register and apply for the PES traineeship
(IMPORTANT NOTICE: in order to submit your final application you will need to create 2 different accounts as mentioned in the document).


Please save the dates of the selection process:


 01 February 2024
Launch of the PES Traineeship Programme with the Universities
01- 29 February 2024
PES Member sends the EUIPO candidates shortlist to
 01 31 March 2024
Shortlisted candidates (only) submit their online applications through the EUIPO e-recruitment tool
01 – 30 April
Pre-selection process at EUIPO
From May until July 2024
Candidates are interviewed and selected by the EUIPO
16 September 2024
Start of the traineeship Programme at EUIPO
Until 31 December 2024
Non-selected candidates remain in Reserve List

Are you interested in the Pan-European Seal Programme?

Find out more or contact the Pan-European Seal Team at

Account creation in order to complete the mandatory on-line courses:

Candidates must create an account of PES user and log in to the EUIPO Academy Learning Portal (EALP) :


Mandatory Courses

And complete at least one of these two online mandatory courses:

Enhance your IP knowledge

In order to further enhance your IP knowledge, following the two mandatory courses mentioned above you can freely take the courses included in the Learning Plans.

These Learning Plans are tailored made groups of courses for IP and non-IP students who want to better improve their knowledge on IP matters both from a theoretical and practical view.

By entering to the Learning Plans you will have full access to all their courses and once you complete them all, you will receive a general certificate of completion of each Learning Plan.

Learning Plan: EUTM and RCD Learning Plan for University Students

All the courses in the Learning Plan will provide you with an individual certificate of completion. Once all courses are completed a general certificate of completion for this activity will be issued.

Learn more

Learning Plan: Introduction to IP knowledge Learning Plan for University Students

All the courses in the Learning Plan will provide you with an individual certificate of completion. Once all courses are completed a general certificate of completion for this activity will be issued.

Learn more

In case you do not wish to take any of the Learning Plans mentioned above, you can find below several courses either of Innovative topics related to IP Law or Important Case Law:

Última modificación: lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2023, 11:12