Enrolment options

In its recent decision in Levola Hengelo, C-310/17, the Court of Justice of the European Union answered the question whether the taste of a cheese may be regarded as a copyright work in the negative. The ruling seemingly closed the door to sensory copyright, that is protection vesting in subject matter that may be perceived through senses other than sight and hearing. Yet, the reasoning of the court is more nuanced than that, and the judgment raises broader questions regarding subsistence and scope of copyright protection in Europe. This webinar will discuss the implications of the case for less conventional and conventional copyright subject matter alike, as well as for the construction of the EU and national copyright frameworks. IPLawIPREnforcement series course.

Judges: No
OHIM Staff: No
IP National Offices: No
Non IP National Offices: No
Special clients: No
Custom: No
Polices: No
OAMI User's Groyp: No
European Parliament: No
EEA European Express Association: No
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): No
Providers: No
Academics: No
Press: No
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: No
Modality: Conferences
Type: Training IP
Duration (eLearning): 73
Is the course completed?: No
Provider: EUIPO
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)