
  • The trade mark offices of the European Union have agreed on a common practice with regard to the impact of non-distinctive/weak components of marks in the examination of likelihood of confusion (relative grounds), assuming that the goods and/or services are identical. The details of the Common Practice can be found in the Common Communication document. In particular:

    • It defines what marks are subject to assessment of distinctiveness: the earlier mark (and/or parts thereof) and/or the later mark (and/or parts thereof);
    • It determines the criteria to assess the distinctiveness of the mark (and/or parts thereof);
    • It determines the impact on LOC when the common components have a low degree of distinctiveness;
    • It determines the impact on LOC when the common components have no distinctiveness.

    The Common Practice is the result of collaboration between EU and non-EU trade mark offices in the context of the Convergence Programme and aims at increasing transparency, certainty and predictability for examiners and users alike.

  • Common Communication in all EU languages

  • Frequently asked questions in all EU languages

  • Training material in all EU languages

  • Webinar: CP5 - Experience on implementation and latest case law

  • Webinar: Relative grounds

  • Webinar: Common practice of Relative Grounds of Refusal and the Likelihood of Confusion

  • Disclaimer

    *The views expressed are strictly personal and should not be attributed to the EUIPO. Nor shall the EUIPO be held responsible for the opinions expressed or advice given in the videos and presentations.