Armonización de las indicaciones de producto, Programa de Convergencia CP7 (Spanish language) (Advanced level) Advanced

An overview of the results of the Convergence Project on Harmonisation of product indications, CP7. The presentation includes practical demonstration of the main functionalities of DesignClass. Speaker: Álvaro VALLS  - External Service provider, ICLAD

48 min. ES 23/02/2017 17/01/2017
Convergence Programme 7 - Phase II (Advanced level) Advanced

A continuation of the Phase I webinar held in March the new functionalities are explained which are part of Phase II Speaker: Speaker: Lars GOMERO - EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department

52 min. EN 16/11/2016 18/10/2016
DesignView (German language) (Intermediate level) Intermediate

Presentation of the design search tool based on the data of the registers of the participating offices, the WIPO and the EUIPO. Designview is a centralized access point to view the registered design information held by any of the participating National Offices, in a unique presentation format, independently of which office the data is coming from. Speakers: Yvonne HEINKE - Customer Services Depa...

27 min. DE 10/03/2017 31/01/2017
Prior art, disclosure, grace period Advanced

On the basis of a comparison between the recitals of the Regulation and some case-law, this presentation investigates the notions of prior art, disclosure and grace period and the interpretations to be given thereof. Speaker: Stephan HANNE - EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department (ICLAD)

74 min. EN 04/02/2016
CP7. Harmonisation of Product Indications (Phase I) (Advanced level) Advanced

Presentation of the background and achievements of CP7. Harmonisation of Product Indications for RCD applications - based on the Locarno Agreement. Speaker: Lars GOMERO - EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department

55 min. EN 01/03/2016 01/03/2016
Designview (English Language) (Intermediate level) Intermediate

Presentation of the design search tool based on the data of the registers of the participating offices, the WIPO and the EUIPO. Designview is a centralized access point to view the registered design information held by any of the participating National Offices, in a unique presentation format, independently of which office the data is coming from.Speakers:Carolina JIMENEZ ROY - Consultant ETMDN Cu...

21 min. EN 31/05/2016 31/05/2016
Webinar: Design Image Search (intermediate level) Intermediate

Practical demonstration of the tool "Design Image Search" which takes you through the new features of the system like allowing to upload up to seven images from different perspectives and to see results based on multiple factors such as colours, textures, shapes, etc.  Speakers: Iris de GROODT - EUIPO - Customer Services Department; Antonio Pascual PÉREZ - EUIPO- Digital Transformatio...

30 min. EN 21/12/2017 28/11/2017