Overview of the Community Design - EN (17-03-2017) (Basic level) (with certificate) Basic

This general overview of the Community Design system tackles the definition of a design, differences between registered and unregistered designs, the scope of protection and the advantages from registering the designs. Furthermore the filing process and the examination of the applications are analysed.Speaker: Benjamin VAN BAVEL - EUIPO - Operations Department.

70 min. EN 15/12/2017
Overview of the Community Design - IT (Basic level) (with certificate) Basic

Questa panoramica generale del sistema dei disegni e modelli comunitari affronta la definizione di disegno e modello, le differenze tra disegni e modelli registrati e non registrati, la portata della protezione e i vantaggi derivanti dalla registrazione dei disegni e modelli. Analizza poi il procedimento di deposito e l’esame delle domande degli stessi.Relatore: Benjamin VAN BAVEL - EUIPO -...

70 min. IT 15/12/2017
Overview of the Community Design - DE (Basic level) (with certificate) Basic

Diese allgemeine Übersicht über das System der Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmuster befasst sich mit der Definition eines Geschmacksmusters, den Unterschieden zwischen eingetragenen und nicht eingetragenen Geschmacksmustern, dem Umfang des Schutzes und den Vorteilen, die sich aus der Eintragung von Geschmacksmustern ergeben. Außerdem werden das Anmeldeverfahren und die Prüfung der Anmeldungen untersu...

70 min. DE 15/12/2017
Overview of the Community Design - ES (Basic level) (with certificate) Basic

Esta descripción general del sistema de dibujos y modelos comunitarios aborda la definición de un dibujo o modelo, las diferencias entre dibujos y modelos registrados y no registrados, el alcance de la protección y las ventajas de registrar los dibujos y modelos. Asimismo, se analizan el proceso de presentación de solicitudes y el examen de las mismas.Ponente: Benjamin VAN BAVEL - EUIPO -...

70 min. ES 15/12/2017
Overview of the Community Design - FR (Basic level) (with certificate) Basic

Cette présentation générale du dessin ou modèle communautaire aborde la définition d’un dessin ou modèle, les différences entre les dessins ou modèles enregistrés et non enregistrés, l’étendue de la protection et les avantages de l’enregistrement des dessins ou modèles. En outre, nous analyserons la procédure de dépôt et l’examen des demandes.Orateur: Benjamin VAN BAVEL...

70 min. FR 15/12/2017
The importance of design - intensive industries in the EU economy. Economic benefit from registering IP rights within the EU (with certificate) Advanced

Based on studies conducted by OHIM/EUIPO and the European Commission, this presentation shows the importance of design for the European economy, and in particular, the importance of industries with intensive use of design.  Speaker: Nathan WAJSMAN - EUIPO - European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights (Observatory)

33 min. EN 01/02/2016
Relation to other IP rights (patents, copyright, trade marks) Advanced

Based on extensive case-law, this presentation reviews in detail some differences and similarities between design and other types of IP rights. Speaker: Martin Schlotelburg - EUIPO - Boards of Appeal (BoA)

65 min. EN 04/02/2016