Explanation of strategies used for efficient decisions in inter partes proceedings Intermediate

Sometimes examiners may not need to enter into a full analysis and comprehensively address all the potential issues in an opposition or cancellation decision. For example, there may be no need to examine proof of use or to examine the perception of the signs by the public throughout the relevant territory. It may also be the case that the likelihood of confusion could be assessed without underta...

72 min. EN/FR/DE/IT/ES 17/05/2023 16/05/2023
Proof of Reputation: What evidence to submit Intermediate

Reputation constitutes an added value of a trade mark, which can also enhance its scope of protection in inter partes proceedings. Reputation however must be demonstrated and its finding depends on the evidence provided by the parties. The purpose of this webinar is to discuss what kind of evidence can be submitted to prove reputation and to provide some tips on its probative value. Speakers:  ...

73 min. EN 31/05/2021 18/05/2021
Basics of surveys for legal evidence Intermediate

Surveys for legal evidence differ from normal market research in many ways. The requirements such surveys must fulfil are significantly higher. The webinar will cover the crucial points from the perspective of both determining and ensuring the probative value of a survey, along with offering guidance on the most frequent questions. After this webinar, you will understand (among other things): ...

84 min. EN 11/03/2021 03/03/2021
Farewell to the Fax! - Find out about the new rules applicable from 1 March 2021 Basic

Thanks to this webinar, you will: get an overview of the Executive Director’s decision No EX 20 9, of 3 November 2020, on communication by electronic means; understand the reasons for this change and the deadlines; discover the existing alternatives, especially the ‘Fax Alternative’ button (soon to be renamed ‘communication backup’). Speaker: Julien MICHEL - EUIPO - Customer Depa...

34 min. EN 01/02/2021 26/01/2021
New kinds of evidence deriving from the internet - how should right holders present evidence to ensure success? Intermediate

Traditional forms of evidence are rapidly being overtaken by evidence from online sources.  Tune in to Tuesday’s webinar to find out some of the pitfalls of online sourced evidence as well as how to ensure its probative value. After this webinar you will know: how to fil online sourced material to support a claim how to presente online sourced material to support a claim Speaker: Vanessa...

70 min. EN 11/02/2021 02/02/2021
The right to be heard, the right of defence and the obligation to state reasons, exercising discretion and the notion of misuse of powers Intermediate

This webinar aims to provide an overview of the EUIPO’s practice and the latest case-law of the General Court and the Court of Justice on the obligation to state reasons and the right to be heard (Articles 94 and 95 EUTMR).Speaker:Antje SODER - EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department

49 min. EN 02/12/2020 17/11/2020
Requests for the further extension of time limits in response to the COVID-19 pandemic Intermediate

Following Decision No EX-20-4 of the Executive Director of the Office of 29 April 2020 on the extension of time limits, this webinar explains the conditions under which parties to the proceedings before the Office can obtain a further extension of their time limits. Speaker: Claudia SCHLIE - EUIPO - Operations Department

45 min. EN 04/06/2020 19/05/2020
Representantes: Designación, supresión y sustitución Intermediate

Este webinar proporciona una rápida introducción a las disposiciones generales de representación profesional ante la Oficina; quién puede solicitar una sustitución, un nombramiento o una supresión de representante y cómo hacerlo.Speaker: Diana Maria GHEZZI - EUIPO - Operations Department

25 min. ES 08/05/2020 28/04/2020
Belated evidence Intermediate

The EUTMR Legal Reform introduced explicit provisions regarding belated evidence. To have a better understanding of belated evidence and how the Office deals with this issue in proceedings and subsequent decisions, click on the link below to learn more. Speaker: Irena LYUDMILOVA LECHEVA - EUIPO - Operations Department

36 min. EN 18/05/2020 05/05/2020
Arguments of the parties: Most frequent arguments presented by the parties and how to deal with them Intermediate

In opposition and cancellation proceedings, parties very often repeat the same arguments which are dismissed for a variety of reasons. This webinar will go over these recurrent arguments and provide tips on how to present the arguments in a better light and also give insight on how the Office deals with the parties' arguments and their impact on the decision-taking process. Speaker: Irena LYUDMI...

30 min. EN 13/03/2020 03/03/2020