Indice degli argomenti

  • EUIPO examiners are still seeing a large number of errors in the filing of documents in inter partes proceedings. Are you aware of the latest changes in EUIPO practice and how documents should be filed?

    This webinar aims to help you submit your documents correctly and thereby avoid deficiencies when filing electronically during inter partes proceedings at the EUIPO.

    In this webinar you will learn about:

    • the latest changes in EUIPO practice on filing documents in inter partes proceedings;
    • common errors and their consequences (as well as how to avoid and remedy them);
    • how to submit documents and annexes on data carriers;
    • how to file annexes according to Article 55 EUTMDR;
    …and more!

    This webinar is aimed at professional representatives or parties involved in inter partes proceedings before the EUIPO. If you have expertise in the field of trade marks and designs, this session is for you!

  • Webinar

    This webinar contains subtitles in several languages. Here is how to select between them.    

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