
  • The Office has completed its recent revision of the Guidelines for Examination of European Union trade marks and designs.

    • Why was this revision necessary?
    • What are the changes and will they benefit the end users who create, protect and use designs?
    • When will the new law enter into force?
    • What are the main changes brought about by the legal reform?
    • Will design protection be more affordable and easier to obtain?

    All these questions and more will be answered in detail. The webinar will be an exciting opportunity to see examples illustrating the new possibilities designers and others will have when protecting their creations and using the EU design system.

    During the webinar you will also learn about international trends in design law and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

    This webinar is for you if you are a user or prospective user of the EU design system, an IP professional or a student interested in the fascinating field of design law.

  • Webinar

    This webinar contains subtitles in several languages. Here is how to select between them.    

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