Topic outline

  • Among the many legal issues that have arisen (or will arise) in connection with the metaverse, intellectual property issues are among the most important. Virtual worlds go hand-in-hand with complex, new legal challenges.

    During this webinar you will receive a brief insight into what the metaverse and NFTs are, followed by a highlight of the areas of EUTMs and RCDs that are most impacted by this new world. You will find out what the Office is currently doing in relation to registration proceedings, and you will be asked to contribute to discussions on what it could and should be doing.

    This webinar is for you if you are a user or future user of the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM) and Registered Community Design (RCD) systems with intermediate level knowledge in the field of EU trade marks and designs.

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    This webinar contains subtitles in several languages. Here is how to select between them.    

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