Opciones de matriculación

Socialistic brand’s powerful emotional bond with the consumers of post-socialist countries is based on a highly complex relation to the particularities of socialism. It can be attributed to feelings of nostalgia, national sentiment, and status of the purchaser or longing for a past that offers a national identity that has since changed. All of this translates into a high differential value of socialistic brands as compared to other signs.

The analysis of this group of signs offers a chance to ask whether the current trademark legal framework constitute an effective bar to unfair appropriation of signs with strong cultural connotations.

Speaker: Mikołaj ROGOWSKI - Intel Corporation - Privacy and Cybersecurity Counsel

Judges: No
OHIM Staff: No
IP National Offices: No
Non IP National Offices: No
Special clients: No
Custom: No
Polices: No
OAMI User's Groyp: No
European Parliament: No
EEA European Express Association: No
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): No
Providers: No
Academics: No
Press: No
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: No
Modality: Conferences
Type: Training IP
Duration (eLearning): 64
Is the course completed?: No
Provider: EUIPO
Auto-matriculación (Student)
Auto-matriculación (Student)