IP Case studies
Topic outline
This course refers to the applicable laws and/or available tools at the time the content was created.
Authors from renowned European universities, but also from leading universities in the US and Asia as well as from industry have studied how companies plan and execute new IP practices. In this special issue of California Management Review, IP management emerges as a key component of "appropriation advantage" that the guest editors define as an actor's ability to outperform competitors in terms of taking possession of and extracting value from knowledge and technology for productive activities.
The collection
The 10 case studies analyse the use of IP by industry in detail, examining the benefits and dangers faced when making decisions on IP. All of the articles point to the importance of intensive collaboration between R&D, legal, and strategic functions for successful IP management:
- Towards the (Strategic) Management of Intellectual Property: Retrospective and Prospective
- Managing Intellectual Property Using Patent Pools: Lessons from Three Generations of Pools in the Optical Disc Industry
- IP Models to Orchestrate Innovation Ecosystems: IMEC, a Public Research Institute in Nano-Electronics
- IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property
- Recovering Abandoned Compounds Through Expanded External IP Licensing
- Value Articulation: A Framework for the Strategic Management of Intellectual Property
- Protecting Growth Options in Dynamic Markets: The Role of Strategic Disclosure in Integrated Intellectual Property Strategies
- Operational Challenges and ST's Proposed Solutions to Improve Collaboration between IP and R&D in Innovation Processes
- Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach
- Managing the Intellectual Property Disassembly Problem