Term details (Portuguese)


Edição de livros

Class: 41
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg41Издаване на книгиTarget to target
da41ForlagsvirksomhedTarget to target
de41Herausgabe von BüchernTarget to source
el41Έκδοση βιβλίωνTarget to target
en41Publication of booksTarget to source
es41Edición de librosTarget to source
et41Raamatute kirjastamineTarget to target
fr41Édition de livresTarget to source
hr41Izdavanje knjigaTarget to target
lt41Knygų redagavimasTarget to target
lv41Grāmatu izdošanaTarget to target
mt41Editjar ta' kotbaTarget to target
nl41Uitgave van boekenTarget to source
sk41Vydávanie kníhTarget to target
sl41Objavljanje knjigTarget to target
SourceConcept reference