Term details (French)


Édition de livres

Class: 41
Language: French
Accepted by: Canada (CIPO - OPIC) , Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg41Редактиране на книгиSource to target
da41Redigering af bøgerSource to target
de41Herausgabe von BüchernSource to target
el41Έκδοση βιβλίωνSource to target
en41Book publishingTerminology
es41Edición de librosSource to target
hr41Izdavanje knjigaSource to target
lt41Knygų redagavimasSource to target
lv41Grāmatu rediģēšanaSource to target
mt41Editjar ta' kotbaSource to target
nl41Uitgave van boekenSource to target
pt41Edição de livrosSource to target
sl41Urejanje knjigSource to target