Term details (Italian)


Scambi di danaro

Class: 36
Language: Italian
Accepted by:
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da36ValutavekslingSource to target
de36GeldwechselgeschäfteSource to target
el36Ανταλλαγή συναλλάγματοςSource to target
en36Exchanging moneySource to target
et36RahavahetusteenusedSource to target
fi36RahanvaihtoSource to target
fr36Échange de devisesSource to target
hr36Mijenjanje novca (usluge mjenjačnica)Source to target
lv36Valūtas maiņaSource to target
nl36GeldwisseldienstenSource to target
pl36Wymiana pieniędzySource to target
SourceConcept reference