Term details (French)


Échange de devises

Class: 36
Language: French
Accepted by: Canada (CIPO - OPIC)
  • Class 36 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da36ValutavekslingTarget to target
de36GeldwechselgeschäfteTarget to target
el36Ανταλλαγή συναλλάγματοςTarget to target
en36Exchanging moneyTarget to target
et36RahavahetusteenusedTarget to target
fi36RahanvaihtoTarget to target
it36Scambi di danaroTarget to source
lv36Valūtas maiņaTarget to target
nl36GeldwisseldienstenTarget to target
pl36Wymiana pieniędzyTarget to target
SourceConcept reference
CIPO Supplement36655