Welcome to the Learning Plan "EU Trademark Disputes: Examination and Resolution"!

The courses in this Plan will provide you with an overview of how trademark disputes are examined and resolved in the EU system.*

Topics covered include:

  • Proof of use
  • Proof of reputation
  • Proof of legal evidence

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*Note: All content in this Learning Plan refers to the applicable laws and/or available tools at the time of its creation.

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You have completed 0 of 7 courses in this Learning plan.


Learning Plan courses

Not started Admissibility check in opposition proceedings

What are the relative and absolute deficiencies that can affect admissibility? Can they be remedied? Find out in this webinar. Speaker: Petra CHARUZOVA - Operations Department, EUIPO

24 min. EN 02/12/2019
Not started Cancellation: The basics on invalidity and revocation proceedings

This webinar will cover the basics of both types of cancellation proceedings - invalidity on the one hand and revocation on the other. It will explain the basic requirements of the filing and admissibility of the application and will describe the exchange of observations during these proceedings. Speaker: Claudia SCHLIE - EUIPO - Operations Department

75 min. EN 06/05/2020
Not started Webinar: Proving legal standing in proceedings before the EUIPO (Advanced level) (with certificate)

In this webinar, you will find out what legal standing is it is and how it can be proven in proceedings before the EUIPO. The webinar will present scenarios and real example to highlight how legal standing can be affected and the consequences of it. Speaker: Vanessa Page - EUIPO - Operations Department (OD)

40 min. EN 30/01/2019
Not started Guide to Proof of Use

This e-learning activity will provide you with an overview of the legal framework and the Office’s practice (as reflected in the EUIPO’s Guidelines) in opposition cases involving a request for proof of use under Article 47 EUTMR (including the assessment of the evidence submitted). Please, notice that you can only enroll to this course using a General Account or PES applicant account. (It i...

400 min. EN 19/07/2019
Not started Proof of Reputation: What evidence to submit

Reputation constitutes an added value of a trade mark, which can also enhance its scope of protection in inter partes proceedings. Reputation however must be demonstrated and its finding depends on the evidence provided by the parties. The purpose of this webinar is to discuss what kind of evidence can be submitted to prove reputation and to provide some tips on its probative value. Speakers:  ...

73 min. EN 31/05/2021
Not started New kinds of evidence deriving from the internet - how should right holders present evidence to ensure success?

Traditional forms of evidence are rapidly being overtaken by evidence from online sources.  Tune in to Tuesday’s webinar to find out some of the pitfalls of online sourced evidence as well as how to ensure its probative value. After this webinar you will know: how to fil online sourced material to support a claim how to presente online sourced material to support a claim Speaker: Vanessa...

70 min. EN 11/02/2021
Not started Use it or lose it - Revocation of trade mark for non-use

Find out about revocation: How can a mark be cancelled due to lack of use and what are the consequencesHow can genuine use be proven to ensure the mark remains registered  Speaker: Carmen SÁNCHEZ PALOMARES - EUIPO - Operations Department

50 min. EN 03/06/2019