Welcome to the Learning Plan "Plant Varieties in the EU"!

The courses in this Plan will provide you with an overview of the following topics regarding Plant Variety Rights in the European Union:*

  • Legal proceedings before the Community Plant Variety Office
  • Protection for plant varieties and their enforcement


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If you'd like to continue learning about EU protections for plant varieties after the conclusion of this Learning Plan, consider the following suggested courses:


*Note: All content in this Learning Plan refers to the applicable laws and/or available tools at the time of its creation.

Learning Plan progress

You have completed 0 of 3 courses in this Learning plan.


Learning Plan courses

Not started Legal Proceedings before the CPVO and before its Board of Appeal

This presentation will focus on different means of redress available to parties before the CPVO and its Board of Appeal. To that effect, it will give an overview of the different legal proceedings and the requirements to be fulfilled by parties if they wish to ask to open such proceedings. Service, formal and substantive requirements, burden of proof, …will be dwelled on.   Speaker: Anne ...

29 min. EN 07/03/2019
Not started Plant Variety Rights: insights and tips for enforcers

By creating modern, innovative plant varieties plant breeders are contributing significantly to one of the basic needs of society: enough healthy food that is produced at reasonable prices in an efficient and environmentally friendly way. Plant breeding, however, is a time-consuming and costly endeavour with a development time between 5 to 12 years and a re-investment of an average 15% of the annu...

58 min. EN 07/06/2021
Not started Enforcement of IP protected horticultural produce

This webinar will provide an introduction of the breeding industry. The scope of PVRs and the main issues that right holders face in enforcing their IP rights as well as dive into the practical use and application of EU law enforcement instruments. IPLawIPREnforcement series course.Speakers: Antonio VILLARROEL, Secretary General of ANOVE (Spanish Plant Breeders Association) and Chairma...

57 min. EN 24/07/2019