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This short course will help you understand how an application for an acronym (a word composed of the first letters of each word in a phrase) or an abbreviation (the short form of a word or phrase) as a trade mark is examined based on Absolute Grounds for refusal.

If you are an examiner, you will be able to assess marks that include acronyms and abbreviations in compliance with the regulations and to draft well-founded objection letters for this type of trade mark.

If you are a trade mark applicant or legal representative, you will be able to avoid common errors when applying for registration of marks with acronyms and abbreviations, and to understand what key factors the examiners will consider when assessing your application.
Judges: Non
OHIM Staff: Oui
IP National Offices: Non
Non IP National Offices: Non
SME: Non
Special clients: Non
Custom: Non
Polices: Non
EPO: Non
OAMI User's Groyp: Non
European Parliament: Non
EEA European Express Association: Non
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): Non
Providers: Non
Academics: Non
Press: Non
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: Non
Modality: eLearning
Type: Training IP
Duration (eLearning): 26
Is the course completed?: Non
Provider: EUIPO
Auto-inscription (Student)
Auto-inscription (Student)