
Reputation constitutes an added value of a trade mark, which can also enhance its scope of protection in inter partes proceedings. Reputation however must be demonstrated and its finding depends on the evidence provided by the parties. The purpose of this webinar is to discuss what kind of evidence can be submitted to prove reputation and to provide some tips on its probative value.


Pierluigi Maria VILLANI - EUIPO - Operations Department

Judges: Nein
OHIM Staff: Nein
IP National Offices: Nein
Non IP National Offices: Nein
SME: Nein
Special clients: Nein
WIPO: Nein
Custom: Nein
Polices: Nein
EPO: Nein
OAMI User's Groyp: Nein
European Parliament: Nein
EEA European Express Association: Nein
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): Nein
Providers: Nein
Academics: Nein
Press: Nein
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: Nein
Modality: Conferences
Type: Training IP
Duration (eLearning): 73
Is the course completed?: Nein
Provider: EUIPO
Selbsteinschreibung (Student)
Selbsteinschreibung (Student)