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The presentation summarises the presenter’s recent research which empirically examines the substantive decisions on all types of design rights from the courts of the 28 Member States since the entry into force of the Design Directive and the Design Regulation, up to and including August 2017. The research uses descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse the presence of differences in the proportion of designs found to be valid and infringed as a function of the level of the courts, the type of design right, the dimension of design and the level of specialisation of the judges. The research finds that overall the EU design system has been effective and suggests further possible improvements.

Speaker: Prof. Estelle DERCLAYE - University of Nottingham

Judges: Non
OHIM Staff: Non
IP National Offices: Non
Non IP National Offices: Non
SME: Non
Special clients: Non
Custom: Non
Polices: Non
EPO: Non
OAMI User's Groyp: Non
European Parliament: Non
EEA European Express Association: Non
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): Non
Providers: Non
Academics: Non
Press: Non
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: Non
Modality: Conferences
Type: Training IP
Duration (eLearning): 55
Is the course completed?: Non
Provider: EUIPO
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Auto-inscription (Student)