Opzioni di iscrizione

The course provides a short introduction to the Darknet, the place where the laws cease to exist and marketplaces are set up where all kinds of illegal products are available, whether narcotics, arms, malware tools or intellectual property rights infringing products. These largely hidden marketplaces pose a great threat to brand and IP owners as they are very difficult to track and provide users complete anonymity.

But what can be found on the Darknet and how do the IP Violations take place on the Darknet? Join the course and find out more about the topic.

Speaker: Erling VESTERGAARD - EUIPO - SNE, Observatory Department

Judges: No
OHIM Staff:
IP National Offices: No
Non IP National Offices: No
Special clients: No
Custom: No
Polices: No
OAMI User's Groyp: No
European Parliament: No
EEA European Express Association: No
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): No
Providers: No
Academics: No
Press: No
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: No
Modality: Conferences
Type: Knowledge Dissemination IP
Duration Face to Face: 0
Duration (eLearning): 41
Is the course completed?: No
Provider: EUIPO
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