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Introduction to the SKF case about the importation of counterfeited ball bearings manufactured in China that replicated the ones from the Swedish company SKF. The webinar guides you through the overview of the case, the police investigation and the main points and decisions of the case and under the courts.

Speaker: Andrea LACROCE - UNICRI

Judges: No
OHIM Staff: No
IP National Offices: No
Non IP National Offices: No
Special clients: No
Custom: No
Polices: No
OAMI User's Groyp: No
European Parliament: No
EEA European Express Association: No
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): No
Providers: No
Academics: No
Press: No
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: No
Modality: Conferences
Type: Knowledge Dissemination IP
Duration Face to Face: 0
Duration (eLearning): 55
Is the course completed?: No
Provider: EUIPO
Guest access
Guest access