
This general overview of the Community Design system tackles the definition of a design, differences between registered and unregistered designs, the scope of protection and the advantages from registering the designs. Furthermore the filing process and the examination of the applications are analysed.

Speaker: Benjamin VAN BAVEL - EUIPO - Operations Department.

Judges: Nein
OHIM Staff: Nein
IP National Offices: Nein
Non IP National Offices: Nein
SME: Nein
Special clients: Nein
WIPO: Nein
Custom: Nein
Polices: Nein
EPO: Nein
OAMI User's Groyp: Nein
European Parliament: Nein
EEA European Express Association: Nein
European Commission Directorates- General (Dgs): Nein
Providers: Nein
Academics: Nein
Press: Nein
Administrative Board and the Budget Committee: Nein
Modality: eLearning
Type: Training IP
Duration Face to Face: 0
Duration (eLearning): 70
Is the course completed?: Nein
Provider: EUIPO
Selbsteinschreibung (Student)
Selbsteinschreibung (Student)