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  • Are you aware of the latest developments and trends in trade secrets litigation in the EU?

    No matter how familiar you are with the subject, if you are a law student, an IP private practitioner, a law enforcement officer or a business owner, then this is the webinar for you. The webinar will build on the success of the recent Observatory study on trade secrets litigation trends as set out in Article 18 of Directive (EU) 2016/943 of the European Parliament and of the Council on 8 June 2016 (the Trade Secrets Directive). The aim is to analyse the latest trade secrets case-law and litigation trends in the EU and show the harmonisation achieved after implementing the Trade Secrets Directive’s provisions within the boundaries of this complex subject.

    The webinar will consist of three parts:

    1. a short quantitative section on the differences across Member States regarding case volumes, legal fora and subject matter, as well as the economic sectors concerned; 

    2. a thorough qualitative section on interpreting the definition of trade secrets, unlawful acts, the measures granted under the Trade Secrets Directive and the principle of proportionality. It will present significant developments in interpreting the ‘reasonable steps’ required to meet this definition and the issue of procedural measures for preserving trade secret confidentiality during litigation proceedings; and 

    3. a presentation on key judgments issued by the courts of the Member States defining litigation trends at both EU and national level.

  • Webinar

    This webinar contains subtitles in several languages. Here is how to select between them.    

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