
  • This webinar provides an overview of the judgments adopted by the CJEU/General Court on Design in 2023. Watch this webinar to stay updated on all the latest RCD-related case-law developments.

    Among the decisions analysed, the expert will highlight cases concerning:

    • the visibility requirement (C-472/21 Monz Handelsgesellschaft International; T-617/21 Electrode to insert into a torch);
    • functionality (C-684/21 Papierfabriek Doetinchem; T-505/21 Fluid distribution equipment);
    • disclosure and the grace period (T-757/21, Grilling apparatus);
    • novelty and its interplay with individual character (T-89/22, Chairs).

    *This event is part of our ‘track on design’ webinar series delivered on every Tuesday of October 2023. The complete list is available on our Academy learning portal calendar

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    This webinar contains subtitles in several languages. Here is how to select between them.    

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