Indice degli argomenti

  • A new joint online seminar from the European Patent Academy and the EUIPO Academy shines a light on how IP can protect the broad field of toys.

    We all remember playing with toys when we were children, right? But have you ever stopped to think about the role played by IP rights in those very toys?

    A toy combines both visual and functional aspects. But which aspects lead to a patent and which ones fall under the design? Or the trademarks? Are 3D shape trademarks suitable? What are the technical aspects behind a toy?

    In this online seminar, two experts – Diego Tejada Biarge from the EPO and Christoph Bartos from the EUIPO – will guide us in a lively discussion on how best to protect toys, using a variety of examples. Audience participation and interaction will be encouraged. Sonsoles Hernanz form the EPO will be the moderator of the event.

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