Diagrama de temas

  • In this webinar, some of the main changes to the latest edition of the EUIPO Guidelines will be explained in a panel discussion with experts from those areas which are affected. The new edition of the EUIPO Guidelines entered into force on 1 of February 2020.

  • Webinar


    Kelly BENNETT 
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department
    Kate HOGAN
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department
    Péter SIPOS
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department
    Daniel GÁJA
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department
    Muriel SIRO
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department
    Thom CLARK
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department

    Susana PALMERO
    EUIPO - International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department

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