Term details (French)


Publication de lettres d'information

Class: 41
Language: French
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da41Udgivelse af nyhedsbreveSource to target
de41Veröffentlichung von MitteilungsblätternSource to target
el41Δημοσίευση ενημερωτικών δελτίωνSource to target
en41Publication of newslettersSource to target
es41Publicación de boletines informativosSource to target
et41Teabelehtede avaldamineSource to target
it41Pubblicazione di bollettini d'informazioneSource to target
lv41Informatīvo izdevumu publicēšanaSource to target
mt41Pubblikazzjoni ta' rapporti informaliSource to target
pt41Publicação de boletins informativosSource to target
sk41Vydávanie informačných letákovSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)943936