Term details (Dutch)


Publicatie van tijdschriften

Class: 41
Language: Dutch
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg41Публикуване на списанияSource to target
cs41Vydávání časopisůSource to target
da41Udgivelse af bladeSource to target
de41Veröffentlichung von MagazinenSource to target
el41Έκδοση περιοδικώνSource to target
en41Publication of magazinesSource to target
es41Publicación de revistasSource to target
et41Ajakirjade kirjastamineSource to target
fi41Aikakauslehtien julkaiseminenSource to target
fr41Publication de magazinesSource to target
hu41Magazinok kiadásaSource to target
it41Pubblicazione di rivisteSource to target
lt41Žurnalų leidybaSource to target
lv41Žurnālu izdošanaSource to target
mt41Il-pubblikazzjoni ta' rivistiSource to target
pl41Publikowanie czasopismSource to target
pt41Publicação de revistasSource to target
ro41Publicare de revisteSource to target
sk41Vydávanie časopisovSource to target
sl41Publikacija revijSource to target
sv41Utgivning av veckotidningarSource to target
SourceConcept reference