Term details (Portuguese)


Software informático

Class: 9
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 9 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs9Počítačový softwareSource to target
da9ComputersoftwareSource to target
de9Computer-SoftwareSource to target
en9Computer softwareSource to target
es9Software informáticoSource to target
et9ArvutitarkvaraSource to target
fi9TietokoneohjelmistotSource to target
fr9Logiciels informatiquesSource to target
hr9Računalni programi [softver]Source to target
it9Software per computerSource to target
lt9Kompiuterių programinė įrangaSource to target
lv9Datoru programmatūraSource to target
mt9Softwer tal-kompjuterSource to target
nl9ComputersoftwareSource to target
pl9Oprogramowanie komputeroweSource to target
ro9Software de calculatorSource to target
sv9DatorprogramvaraSource to target
SourceConcept reference