Term details (Portuguese)


Serviços de recrutamento de emprego

Class: 35
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 35 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg35Набиране на кадриTarget to target
cs35Nábor zaměstnancůTarget to target
da35PersonalerekrutteringTarget to target
de35PersonalanwerbungTarget to target
el35Υπηρεσίες προσλήψεων προσωπικούTarget to target
es35Servicios de contrataciónTarget to source
et35Tööjõu värbamineTarget to target
fr35Services de recrutementTarget to source
hr35Usluge zapošljavanjaTarget to target
lt35Personalo įdarbinimasTarget to target
lv35Personāla atlaseTarget to target
mt35Ir-reklutaġġ ta' personàlTarget to target
nl35PersoneelswervingTarget to target
pl35Usługi rekrutacji personeluTarget to target
ro35Servicii de recrutare de personalTarget to target
sk35Nábor zamestnancovTarget to target
sl35KadrovanjeTarget to target
sv35PersonalrekryteringTarget to target
SourceConcept reference