Term details (English)


Hosting of websites on the Internet

Class: 42
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 42 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs42Hosting webových stránek na internetuSource to target
da42Hosting af websteder på internettetSource to target
es42Alojamiento de sitios web en InternetSource to target
et42Veebilehtede hostimine InternetisSource to target
he42אירוח אתרי רשת באינטרנטTerminology
it42Hosting di siti web su InternetSource to target
pt42Alojamento de websites na InternetSource to target
sl42Gostovanje spletnih strani na internetuSource to target
SourceConcept reference
ILPO Supplement938781