Term details (Portuguese)


Aparelhos para medição

Class: 9
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: Brazil (INPI BR)
  • Class 9 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
cs9Měřicí přístrojeSource to target
el9Συσκευές μέτρησηςSource to target
et9Mõõteaparaadid, mõõteseadmedSource to target
hu9MérőberendezésekSource to target
it9Apparecchi di misuraSource to target
lt9Matavimo aparataiSource to target
lv9Mērīšanas aparātiSource to target
mt9Apparat għall-kejlSource to target
pl9Urządzenia pomiaroweSource to target
sk9Výpočtové zariadeniaSource to target
sl9Merilne napraveSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Nice (INPI BR)90202