Term details (French)


Appareils pour le mesurage de la vitesse

Class: 9
Language: French
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 9 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da9Apparater til hastighedsmålingSource to target
el9Συσκευές μέτρησης ταχύτηταςSource to target
en9Speed measuring apparatusSource to target
et9KiirusmõõdikudSource to target
fi9NopeusmittaritSource to target
hr9Uređaji za mjerenje brzineSource to target
it9Apparecchi per la misurazione della velocitàSource to target
lt9Greičio matavimo prietaisaiSource to target
mt9Apparat għall-kejl tal-veloċitàSource to target
pl9Urządzenia do pomiaru prędkościSource to target
pt9Aparelhos para medir a velocidadeSource to target
sl9Merilniki hitrostiSource to target
sv9Apparater för hastighetsmätningSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)935432