Term details (English)


Education, providing of training

Class: 41
Language: English
Accepted by:
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg41ОбразованиеSource to target
da41Uddannelse og undervisningSource to target
de41Erziehung und AusbildungSource to target
es41Servicios de educación, formaciónSource to target
hu41Oktatási és tanítási szolgáltatásokSource to target
it41Istruzione e formazioneSource to target
nl41Het verstrekken van opleiding en opvoedingSource to target
pl41Usługi edukacyjne i szkolenioweSource to target
sl41Izobraževanje in usposabljanjeSource to target
sv41Undervisning/utbildningSource to target
SourceConcept reference