Term details (English)


Publishing of brochures

Class: 41
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 41 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg41Публикуване на брошуриSource to target
cs41Publikace letákůSource to target
da41Udgivelse af pjecerSource to target
de41Veröffentlichung von FaltblätternSource to target
el41Έκδοση φυλλαδίωνSource to target
es41Publicación de folletosSource to target
et41Brošüüride avaldamineSource to target
fi41Esitteiden julkaiseminenSource to target
fr41Publication de prospectusSource to target
he41פרסום החוברותTerminology
hr41Objavljivanje letakaSource to target
hu41Szórólapok megjelentetéseSource to target
it41Pubblicazione di volantiniSource to target
lt41Skrajučių leidybaSource to target
lv41Brošūru izdošanaSource to target
mt41Pubblikazzjoni ta' fuljettiSource to target
nl41Uitgave van brochuresSource to target
pl41Publikowanie ulotekSource to target
pt41Publicação de folhetosSource to target
ro41Publicare de broșuriSource to target
sk41Publikovanie brožúrSource to target
sl41Objavljanje letakovSource to target
sv41Publikationer av broschyrerSource to target