Term details (English)


Placement of temporary staff

Class: 35
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 35 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
de35Vermittlung von ZeitarbeitskräftenSource to target
et35Ajutise personali vahendamineSource to target
fi35Tilapäistyövoiman välitysSource to target
fr35Placement d'intérimairesSource to target
he35שיבוץ של עובדים זמנייםTerminology
hu35Ideiglenes munkaerő közvetítéseSource to target
it35Collocamento di personale interinaleSource to target
mt35Aġenziji għall-impjieg temporanjuSource to target
nl35UitzendbureausSource to target
pt35Colocação de pessoal temporárioSource to target
sl35Agencije za začasno zaposlitevSource to target
sv35Placering av tillfälligt anställdaSource to target