Term details (English)


Job placement services

Class: 35
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Canada (CIPO - OPIC) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 35 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg35Трудови борсиSource to target
cs35Pracovní úřady (zprostředkovatelny práce)Source to target
da35ArbejdsformidlingSource to target
de35ArbeitsvermittlungSource to target
el35Υπηρεσίες εύρεσης εργασίαςSource to target
es35Servicios de colocación laboralSource to target
et35TööhõivekontoridSource to target
fi35TyönvälitysSource to target
fr35Placement de personnelTerminology
he35השמה תעסוקתיתTerminology
hr35Usluge agencije za zapošljavanjeSource to target
hu35Munkaközvetítő irodákSource to target
lt35Įdarbinimo agentūrosSource to target
lv35Nodarbinātības aģentūrasSource to target
mt35Aġenziji ta' l-impjiegSource to target
nl35ArbeidsbemiddelingSource to target
pl35Agencje pośrednictwa pracySource to target
pt35Serviços de colocação de empregoSource to target
ro35Birouri de plasareSource to target
sk35Sprostredkovateľne práceSource to target
sl35Zaposlovalne agencijeSource to target