Term details (Italian)


Tende per campeggio

Class: 22
Language: Italian
Accepted by: Switzerland (IPI) , WIPO
  • Class 22 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg22ТентиSource to target
cs22StanySource to target
da22TelteSource to target
de22ZelteSource to target
en22TentsSource to target
es22Tiendas de campañaSource to target
et22TelgidSource to target
fi22TeltatSource to target
fr22TentesSource to target
hr22Šatori za kampiranjeSource to target
hu22SátrakSource to target
lt22PalapinėsSource to target
lv22TeltisSource to target
mt22TinedSource to target
nl22TentenSource to target
pl22NamiotySource to target
pt22TendasSource to target
ro22CorturiSource to target
sk22StanySource to target
sl22Ponjave, šotorska krilaSource to target
sv22TältSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Switzerland (IPI)935543