Term details (English)


Shingles, not of metal

Class: 19
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 19 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
de19Dachpfannen, nicht aus MetallSource to target
el19Κεραμίδια (μη μεταλλικά)Source to target
es19Tejas no metálicasSource to target
fr19Tuiles non métalliquesSource to target
he19רעפים, שאינם עשויים ממתכתTerminology
sk19Škridly s výnimkou kovovýchSource to target
sl19Strešniki, nekovinskiSource to target
sv19Takpannor, ej av metallSource to target