Term details (Spanish)


Cuchillería, tenedores y cucharas

Class: 8
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 8 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da8Knivsmedevarer, gafler og skeerSource to target
en8Cutlery, forks and spoonsSource to target
fi8Veitset, haarukat ja lusikatSource to target
fr8Coutellerie, fourchettes et cuillersSource to target
he8סכו"ם, מזלגות וכפותPivot
hr8Noževi, vilice i žliceSource to target
it8Articoli di coltelleria, forchette e cucchiaiSource to target
nl8Messenmakerswaren, vorken en lepelsSource to target
pt8Cutelaria, garfos e colheresSource to target
sv8Knivsmidesvaror, bestickSource to target
SourceConcept reference