Term details (English)


Casserole pans

Class: 21
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 21 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg21Плитки тенджери с капакSource to target
cs21KastrolySource to target
da21KasserollerSource to target
de21KasserollenSource to target
es21CacerolasSource to target
et21HaudepotidSource to target
fi21KattilatSource to target
fr21CasserolesSource to target
hr21LonciSource to target
it21CasseruoleSource to target
lt21Puodai (žemi)Source to target
lv21KastroļiSource to target
mt21TwaġenSource to target
nl21PannenSource to target
pl21RondleSource to target
pt21CaçarolasSource to target
sk21KastrólySource to target
sl21PonveSource to target