Term details (Lithuanian)


Laivų vairai

Class: 12
Language: Lithuanian
Accepted by:
  • Class 12 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg12Рулове за лодкиTarget to target
cs12Lodní kormidlaTarget to target
da12Rat til skibeTarget to target
de12SchiffsruderTarget to target
en12Boat ruddersTarget to source
es12Timones de barcosTarget to source
et12PaaditüüridTarget to target
lv12Laivu stūresTarget to target
nl12Roeren voor schepenTarget to target
pl12Stery łodziTarget to target
pt12Lemes para barcosTarget to target
sk12Volanty pre lodeTarget to target
sl12Volani za čolneTarget to target
sv12BåtroderTarget to target
SourceConcept reference