Term details (Portuguese)


Máquinas para trabalhar madeira

Class: 7
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: Brazil (INPI BR)
  • Class 7 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
de7HolzbearbeitungsmaschinenTarget to target
fi7PuuntyöstökoneetTarget to target
hr7Drvo (strojevi za obradu drva)Target to target
hu7Famegmunkáló gépekTarget to target
lv7Kokapstrādes mašīnasTarget to target
nl7HoutbewerkingsmachinesTarget to target
pl7Maszyny do obróbki drewnaTarget to target
sk7Drevoobrábacie strojeTarget to target
SourceConcept reference
Nice (INPI BR)70055