Term details (English)


Porcelain figurines

Class: 21
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 21 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
es21Figuritas de porcelanaSource to target
et21PortselankujukesedSource to target
fi21Posliiniset pienoishahmotSource to target
fr21Figurines en porcelaineSource to target
he21פיסלוני חרסינהTerminology
hr21Figurice od kineskog porculanaSource to target
it21Statuette in porcellanaSource to target
lt21Figūrėlės iš porcelianoSource to target
mt21Statwetti tal-porċellanaSource to target
nl21Figuurtjes van porseleinSource to target
pl21Figurki z porcelanySource to target
sl21Figurice iz porcelanaSource to target
sv21Statyetter av porslinSource to target