Term details (English)


Long coats

Class: 25
Language: English
Accepted by:
  • Class 25 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg25Дълги якетаSource to target
da25Lange jakkerSource to target
de25Lange JackenSource to target
es25SobretodosSource to target
et25Pikad jakidSource to target
fi25Pitkät takitSource to target
fr25Vestes longuesSource to target
it25GiacconiSource to target
lt25Ilgi švarkaiSource to target
lv25Garas jakasSource to target
nl25Lange jassenSource to target
pl25Długie kurtkiSource to target
sk25Dlhé kabátySource to target
sl25Dolge jakneSource to target
sv25YllejackorSource to target
SourceConcept reference
KIPO Supplement033904