Term details (Portuguese)


Espetos para assar

Class: 11
Language: Portuguese
Accepted by: Brazil (INPI BR)
  • Class 11 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg11ГриловеTarget to target
da11StegespidvendereTarget to target
de11GrillspiesseTarget to source
en11Roasting spitsTarget to source
fr11TournebrochesTarget to source
hu11Nyársak roston sütéshezTarget to target
it11GirarrostiTarget to source
lt11Kepimo iešmaiTarget to target
lv11Cepšanas iesmiTarget to source
sk11Grilovacie ražneTarget to target
sl11Obračala za ražnjeTarget to target
SourceConcept reference
Nice (INPI BR)110057