Term details (English)


Paper for writing

Class: 16
Language: English
Accepted by:
  • Class 16 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg16Хартия за писанеSource to target
cs16Papír na psaníSource to target
da16SkrivepapirSource to target
el16Χαρτί αλληλογραφίαςSource to target
et16KirjapaberSource to target
fi16KirjoituspaperiSource to target
fr16Papier à lettresSource to target
hr16Papir za pisanjeTarget to target
hu16LevélpapírSource to target
it16Carta da lettereSource to target
lt16Rašomasis popieriusSource to target
mt16Karta għall-kitbaSource to target
nl16BriefpapierSource to target
pl16Papier do pisaniaSource to target
ro16Hârtie de scrisSource to target
sl16Pisemski papirSource to target
SourceConcept reference
Japan supplement (JPO)24216003572