Term details (Spanish)


Cremas para las botas

Class: 3
Language: Spanish
Accepted by: WIPO
  • Class 3 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
bg3Крем за обувкиTarget to target
cs3Krémy na obuvTarget to target
da3StøvlecremeTarget to target
de3SchuhcremeTarget to target
en3Boot creamTarget to source
et3Kingakreem, kingaviksTarget to target
fr3Crèmes pour chaussuresTarget to target
hu3CipőkrémekTarget to target
it3Creme per calzatureTarget to target
lt3Avalynės blizgikliaiTarget to target
lv3Apavu krēmiTarget to target
mt3Lostru għaż-żrabenTarget to target
nl3SchoensmeerTarget to target
pl3Pasty do obuwiaTarget to target
pt3Pomadas para calçadoTarget to target
sk3Krémy na obuvTarget to target
sl3Krema za čevljeTarget to target
sv3SkoputsTarget to target
SourceConcept reference