Term details (English)


Machine couplings

Class: 7
Language: English
Accepted by: India (CGPDTM) , Canada (CIPO - OPIC) , Israel (ILPO) , WIPO
  • Class 7 >
Translation targets
LanguageNice ClassTextQuality
da7MaskinkoblingerSource to target
de7MaschinenkupplungenSource to target
es7Acoplamientos de máquinasSource to target
fi7Koneiden liittimetSource to target
fr7Accouplements de machineTerminology
he7מצמדים למכונותTerminology
it7Accoppiamenti per macchineSource to target
sk7Spojky pre strojeSource to target
sl7Sklopke za strojeSource to target
sv7MaskinkopplingarSource to target